The Colorado Springs Conservatory is pleased to announce the launch of the ‘PICCOLO’ program.
The PICCOLO program is the Conservatory’s own Early Childhood program created in tandem with all of the nationally recognized and award winning elements of the 25 year old CORE program.
The Colorado Springs Conservatory understands the importance of arts immersion studies on young people.
CSC research recognizes that the impact on Emotional Learning (EL) and Neural Pathway Development is significant during these formative years birth to 3 years.
The PICCOLO program is designed to foster a love of music for children ages birth through 48 months in addition to giving each child that opportunity to forge those very social and emotional life skills as early on as possible.
Additionally, the PICCOLO program will provide:
- Significant opportunity for care taker/family bonding
- Additional family connection with at home activities that include care takers learning an instrument
- Instill a love of classical music with heightened listening activities
- Access to the Colorado Springs Conservatory facility and performance opportunities
- Original songs and story books created to teach awareness and core values
- Opportunity for one on one participation OR multiple children learning in the classroom
- Studies show that the CSC programs elevate growth when it comes to self-awareness and self-regulating
- Both the Social Emotional (SE) growth as well as the artistic impact are profound and are life long.
The PICCOLO program is devised to ensure maximum learning for each child’s developmental progress based on age.
It is also designed to be a ‘feeder program’ into the TINY TREMELOS program at the CSC.
Each section of the PICCOLO program consists of curriculum designed specifically to development in the areas of motor, language, cognitive, social/emotional, and brain development.
The experts behind the program also recognize that each child is different. The program will allow for individual capacities to flourish.
The PICCOLO program is delivered by ages:
- 0-6 months
- 6-12 months
- 12-18 months
- 18-24 months
- 2 years through 36 months
- Full family classes available scheduling pending for families with two or more children under the age of 3 years** (minimum enrollment required)
(At 36 months, the child is ready for the CSC TINY TREMELO program)
Each section of the curriculum includes age appropriate learning experiences for both caretaker and child:
- Bonding time
- Listening
- Rhythm activities
- Singing
- Dancing
- Story Art
- Solfege and other elements of musicianship (as appropriate)
- Ukelele learning for at home continued activities and bonding
- Specific age appropriate developmental activities that engage the child in such a way as to enhance the ongoing development of that child (language, motor skills, etc.)
- Take home story and song books
We are pleased to bring this unique and robust curriculum to those who are seeking a program that not only enhances the child’s life and access to all things creative, but allows the experience to expand to the greater family as well.
Supporting Information

Why Parents Sing To Babies
Are we born to sing? New research suggests that music is critical to emotional and social development.
minimum enrollment required for each class