WHEN: June 5-6, 2021 | Events start on-site at 10AM
WHERE: Dungeons & Javas, 4420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy 80918
About the Event
Co-hosted by Buttons on Wake-up and Colorado Community Esports, this fully in-person event will bring together multiple fighting gaming communities from Colorado, and surrounding States, interested in competing at a regional level while supporting the education needs of young performing artists at the Colorado Springs Conservatory.
Event participants will be required to purchase a “Tournament Pass” for $20* (with 100% direct contribution back to the Conservatory) and a “Bracket Entry” pass of $10/per bracket* (with 100% added directly to that event’s prize pool).
Bracket Entry is available with a choice of up to three games:
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Rated E10+)
Tekken 7 (Rated T for Teen)
Mortal Kombat 11 (Rated M for Mature).
All events will be live streamed to multiple viewing platforms; Twitch, Youtube, Facebook Gaming, where extra donations subscriptions will be donated directly back to the Conservatory.
This event will be following all state guidelines leading up to and including the days of the event, including social distancing protocols, sanitizing procedures, requiring masks in the venue space, and holding a cap on tournament entries for each event.
*Registration and winnings are for ages 13 and up. Those younger than 13 will not be able to be paid out through the online platforms, sorry for any inconvenience.
Sponsor Levels

* If you do not have a participant to play on behalf of your organization, you can sponsor a professional player from organizations around the state to represent your brand in the event. Contact CCES staff to learn more.
Not much of a gamer, but still want to help out?
Donate to The Conservatory by clicking here!