James McNair
Primary Study at CS Conservatory:
Vocal Performance
Time of Study at CS Conservatory:
2 years
As you reflect on your time at the CS Conservatory, can you share those elements or experiences of participation that have had the most impact on you artistically:
Jazz Combo class taught by David Musante has had such an amazing impact on me! Being in this group has not only given me the experience of collaborating with other musicians, but allowed me to discover my own artistry.
The use of Jazz shows me that each piece is what you interpret it to be. I’ve grown to channel my own creative energy into my music.
…and personally:
My first Jamboree performance.
I had never sung in front of people before and had been really insecure about my voice. By the end of the performance my breath was exhausted, I was shaking, and I was so proud that I put myself out there for people to hear me.
It was that moment that I decided I wanted to sing for the rest of my life.
How has the Conservatory impacted your relationships? What role has the Conservatory played in your developing those relationships? (mentors, community, friends)
I can now introduce myself to new people, know what to expect when going into a professional environment with others, and to know what the other party and I can do to help each other.
I’m no longer afraid to commit to a project and work myself through tough situations.
How do you perceive time and productivity?
I work better when I’m busy and have a full schedule of things to attend to. That way I can commit to things I have to get done instead of laying around waiting for things to happen.
What role has the Conservatory played in your understanding of time?
Everything moves by in the blink of an eye, so don’t be afraid to mess up. Make mistakes, and learn from every single one of them. Take chances and have fun taking them!
What is your fondest memory of your time at the Conservatory?
Jazz Nites are always so exciting to be a part of. Playing alongside the mentors has been the most amazing opportunity.
hat is the most important life lesson you would share with a new student at the Conservatory of similar age?
The Conservatory is a home for all those who seek to develop their own musical skill and their character as well. It can be intimidating seeing so many performers and events all at once, but don’t let that stop you from shining your brightest light.
Take advantage of this amazing experience.
Anything you would like to add (insights, reflections, etc)?
Being at the Conservatory has truly been amazing. I’ve developed into a better musician and an even better human being. Thank you all so much for the wonderful performances, opportunities, and laughs. Love to you all!