Read about The Colorado Springs Conservatory and sponsorship options below…
The Mission of the Colorado Springs Conservatory (CSC) is to inspire, motivate and challenge students to aspire to their highest potential through arts immersion studies and community arts advocacy.
Founded in 1994, the Colorado Springs Conservatory has affectively trained thousands of students in the realm of the performing arts to include music, theater, musical theater and movement and all the derivatives therein.
The CSC is a NON-AUDITIONED program. Any and all students that desire to be at the CSC are welcome. The team of mentors, team and leadership work tirelessly to support student achievement and goals. In school year 2016-2017, CSC provided arts education to nearly 1,000 children, youth, and adults, 259 of whom participated in our after school CORE program, Partner Programs and Community programs.
- 50% of our student body is free or reduced lunch.
- The Conservatory is a diverse student body serving students from a 100 mile radius on a weekly basis.
- 100% of the CORE after school program graduate high school and go onto higher learning experiences in the colleges, conservatories and universities of their choosing.
- 99% of all Partner Program students graduate high school
- Students enrolled at any program at the CSC consistently score higher in math testing and maintain Tuition and fees for service offset 51% of program costs.
- Over $1 million annual fundraising from foundation, corporate, individual, and institutional benefactors is needed to maintain our programs and community impact.
Support at any of the level listed below is purely for support of ongoing programming. Donations may also be earmarked for scholarship of specific initiatives.
Please be sure to ask about additional opportunities specific to ‘Event Sponsorship’.
Contact Linda Weise at: [email protected] for more information about sponsoring Events.
Look at the impact your gift can make!!
Con Anima Society
Your contribution of $1,000 underwrites the cost of items such as:
- Four students to attend a Summer Camp
- One semester for one student in the Novice Pro- gram (4-7 yr. olds)
- Annual course materials and instrument use for eight students
Quarter Note Society
Your contribution of $2,500 underwrites the cost of items such as:
- Five students to attend the Central City or Santa Fe Opera Five students to attend Summer Musical Theater Camp
- One semester for one student in the Company Program (9-18 yr. olds)
- Annual course materials and instrument use for twenty students
Half Note Society
Your contribution of $5,000 underwrites the cost of items such as:
- A visiting artist to provide a Master Class to students
- One part-time semester classroom for Head Start students
- One classroom of 12 students for 12 weeks for community programs such as A Positive Note or Citizen Soldier.
Whole Note Society
Your contribution of $10,000 underwrites the cost of items such as:
- Performing arts curriculum and instruction for one semester for 12 students for a partner school or school district
- One year for three students in the Core Program (7-18 yr. olds)
- Two visiting artists to provide a Master Class to students
16th Note Society
Your contribution of $16,000 underwrites the cost of items such as:
- One classroom of 12 students for one year for partner school association
- Ten students per year to attend the Novice Program (4-7 yr. olds)
- Five students per year to attend the Core Program (7-18 yr. olds)
Impresario Circle
Your contribution of $25,000 underwrites the cost of items such as:
- Performing arts curriculum and instruction for one year for 12 students for a partner school or school district
- Three students per year to attend the Company Program (9-18 yr. olds)
- One Summer Musical Production for students
Sustenuto Circle
Opus Circle
Contributions are customized to meet the specific intentions of the donor.