We are here and we are listening! We’ve heard from several of you and recognize that the Conservatory was an integral part of your son/daughter’s day!
With that, we are excited to announce that we are planning to re-open doors back up for our summer schedule on June 1, 2020!
Please know that we are taking a number of actions to protect the health and well-being of our students and employees and to control the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with the expert guidance of the CDC and the El Paso County Health Department.
Steps such as:
- Implementing social distancing strategies
- Intensifying cleaning and disinfection efforts
- Modifying our drop off and pick up procedures and
- Maintaining an adequate staff to children ratio
Like so many of you we are excited to get back to some form of normalcy while we navigate through this dynamic situation.
Our commitment to you is that we will continue to make proactive decisions that are based on the advice that we receive, and that is in the best interest of our students and those we serve.
Please look for more information on our opening as we get closer.
Thank you,
CSC Team