Colorado Springs Conservatory
Chamber Music Performance Group for Youth
August 2019 Workshop & Fall Semester Studies
The Colorado Springs Conservatory (CSC) is pleased to announce the launch of its premiere Chamber Music Program for young musicians.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Associated Chamber Music Players, the CSC will launch the program with an August summer string workshop.
The CSC Chamber Players will then become a separate program offered during the CORE after-school program starting in Fall, 2019.
Faculty/mentors leading the efforts with coaching and sessions are:
Dr. Adam Haas, Lead Music mentor at CSC
Byron Hitchcock – violin
Jacob Klock – violin
Michael Sabatka – viola
Ben Bubeck – cello.
“We are thrilled to offer this learning and performance opportunity to students of all levels,” says Dr. Haas who will champion the effort.
“It makes sense for us to include classical Chamber Music in our vast list of performance and outreach opportunities,” says Linda Weise, Founding CEO.
“The Conservatory currently engages students in over 300 outreach performances of all types throughout the region. Students enrolling in either the August workshop or the Fall semester will enjoy learning on site at the CSC and the opportunity to participate in the numerous performance experiences,” says Haas.
Students will perform together as well as alongside the mentors making for an even greater learning experience.
Repertoire will be selected based on the skill set of the students enrolled. “We hope to maintain an ongoing rep list that will include material that is easily mastered as well as those pieces that will stretch the players,” says Michael Sabatka, the violist of the mentor group.
String Workshop details
- For string players of all levels, ages 12-18
- Chamber music coachings with members of the CSC Faculty Chamber Players
- Coachings are 5:00pm-8:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, August 12-23 (8/12, 8/14, 8/16, 8/19, 8/21, 8/23); Final performance Saturday, August 24
- Performance and outreach opportunities
- Cost: $100
- Enrollment form and tuition are due July 31, 2019
- Enrollment form is available below.
For more information, contact Adam Haas at: ahaas[at]csconservatory.org (719) 577-4556
Information about CSC programs and mentors is available at csconservatory.org